
The Loony Bin ( )
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 18:01:25 +0000

Hiya All...

Here's a tale of what a priest heard in confession...

Wishes & Dreams...


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***                 THE LOONY BIN                   ***
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*******************Internet Goddess********************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

A couple went to mass and took confession. 

The husband went into the confessional and said "Forgive me Father, for
I have sinned."

The father asked him the nature of this sin - to which he replied "While
my wife was bending over the freezer I had lustful thoughts and had my
way with her."

The Priest tried explaining that having sex with your own wife was not a
sin and forgiveness was not needed. Still, the man insisted that he felt

The priest told him to say three Hail Mary's and be on his way.

Next, the wife went into the confessional and said that while she was
leaning over the freezer her husband had had his way with her.

The priest asked her how long she had been married. She replied it was
three years now. The priest tried to explain to her that it was quite
proper for married people to have sex and that there was nothing to be
guilty about. 

Still, the woman insisted that she felt guilty so the priest told her to
say three Hail Mary's and think no more about it.

As she turned to leave, the woman asked the priest if she and her
husband would be banned from the church. 

"Banned from the church?! Whatever gave you that idea?" the priest

"Well," she said, "they banned us from the supermarket!"