Missing Sunday School...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.com)
Tue, 08 Jul 03 01:37:50 +0100

Hiya Folks...

In today's tale, the pastor drops by to see why Johnny has been missing
Sunday School...

Wishes & Dreams...


******* THE LOONY BIN **** loonies@bloodaxe.com


         Archive: http://www.theloonies.co.uk/

*********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess ***********

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------


The local pastor noticed that Little Johnny hadn't been to Sunday school
in a long time.

He was not surprised that Johnny's parents had not been to church in a
month of Sundays, but it was unusual for Johnny to miss Sunday school
for so long.

He went to Johnny's house and knocked on the door.

Little Johnny answered the door, took one look at the pastor and called
to his father, "Hey, Dad! That guy that works for God is here!"

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                     The Loony Bin

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