
The Loony Bin ( )
Mon, 13 Jan 1997 20:12:41 +0000

Hiya All...

Here's a kid who tries his hardest to do what his teacher asks him to...

Wishes & Dreams...


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***                 THE LOONY BIN                   ***
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*** Archive: ***
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*******************Internet Goddess********************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Shortly after Christmas, the teacher of a grade-school class announced
that if they wanted to, each child would be given the opportunity to
tell about ONE special gift they had received.

The first little girl stood and said "I got a Bow-Wow from my Daddy.  

The teacher addressed the class and sternly told them that they were
certainly old enough to know and use the correct names for things, and
that she didn't want to hear any more baby talk.  

She then asked the little girl if she could think of another word for
her gift, one that grown-ups would use. 

The little girl replied, "I got a puppy-dog from my Daddy."       

The teacher praised her lavishly and went on to the next child, a 

"I got a Choo-Choo  for Christmas." he beamed. 

Again the teacher chided the little tyke, and asked him to think of
another name to describe his gift. 

"I got an Electric Train for Christmas!" he said after mulling it over.

The teacher praised him for his efforts.
The next little boy, a normally very quiet kid, stood, said "I got a
book." and sat down. 

Seeing an opportunity to draw him out a little, the teacher asked "And
what was the title of your book?"

The little guy hesitated and then, with a serious face and a knitted 
brow, began obvious mental efforts.  

After a couple of minutes of deep thinking, his face brightened and he
replied, "Winnie The Shit."