Book Titles...

The Loony Bin ( )
Fri, 28 Jun 1996 08:39:27 +0100

Hiya People...

Here are a few real-life book titles that are bound to be best-

Wishes & Dreams...


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***                THE LOONY BIN                  ***
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******************Internet Goddess*******************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

The most amazing book titles for 1995: These are all genuine: 

Re-using Old Graves 

How to Avoid Huge Ships 

The Book of Marmalade: Its Anecdotes, History and Role in the World 

Group 4 Prison Escort Service - A Survey of Customer Satisfaction 

The Baby Jesus Touch and Feel Book 

The Joy of Chickens 

Amputee Management: A Handbook 

Highlights in the History of Concrete 

Big and Very Big Hole Drilling 

How to Shit in the Woods: an Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost 

Versailles - The View from Sweden 

Virtual Reality - Exploring the Bra 

Simply Bursting - A Guide to Bladder Control 

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Nude Mice