The differences in religions...

The Loony Bin ( )
Fri, 31 May 1996 12:59:20 +0100

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***                THE LOONY BIN                  ***
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******************Internet Goddess*******************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

The Differences in the Religions:

TAOISM:                 Shit Happens
CONFUCIANISM:           Confuscious says,"Shit Happens"
BUDDHISM:               If shit happens, it isn't really shit.
ZEN:                    What is the sound of shit happening?
HINDUISM:               This shit happened before
BONZAI BOZOISM:         Make shit happen.. OH SHIT!!
ISLAM:                  If shit happens, it is the will of Allah
PROTESTANTISM:          Let shit happen to someone else.
CATHOLICISM:            If shit happens, you deserve it.
JUDAISM:                Why does this shit always happen to us?
ATHEISM:                I don't believe this shit.
AGNOSTICISM:            What is this shit?
SHINTOISM:              Everything except Japan is Shit.
EXISTENTIAL:            I shit, therefore I sit.
MINIMALIST:             Shit
VEGETARIAN:             Don't eat that shit!
DEJA VU:                I've been through this shit before.
LAO-TZU:                It is utterly pointless to try to explain shit.
GERTRUDE STEIN:         A shit is a shit is a shit.
BUSH:                   A thousand points of shit.
SOVIET UNION:           That shit just didn't work.
CASTRO:                 We have to make this shit work somehow.
EASTERN ORTHODOX:       Rome doesn't know shit.
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST:  Shit happens everyday but Saturday.
UNITARIAN:              Shit is all basically the same.
HOLISTIC:               There's more shit here than I figured on.
JEHOVAH'S WITNESS:      Want to buy a subscription to our Shit?
CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST:    If Shit happens, don't worry. It will go away on 
                         its own.
JAINISM:                When Shit happens don't step in it.
CALVINISM:              If you're not saved, tough Shit.
BORN AGAIN:             Shit happens but I am saved.
SCIENTOLOGY:            This Shit is expensive.
NEW AGE:                Crystal power counteracts Shit.
JESUITISM:              If Shit happens and no one hears it, did it 
                         really make a sound?
HARE KRISHNA:           Shit happens, Rama, Rama.
SATANISM:               Shit rules!
STOICISM:               So Shit happens, Big deal. I can take it.
HEDONISM:               When Shit happens, enjoy it!
RASTAFARIANISM:         Let's smoke this Shit.
CLINTONISM:             Just don't inhale that Shit.
NATIVE AMERICAN CHURCH: We want our Shit back!
RLDS:                   Brigham is full of Shit.
MORMONISM:              It's evil to say "Shit."
DEMOCRATISM:            How can we send a man to the moon and still
                         have all this shit?
REPUBLICANISM:          There's nothing like a good shit.  Flush the 
FEMINISM:               Put the seat back down, you Shit.
SECULAR HUMANISM:       Shit evolves.
FUNDAMENTALISM:         Born-again shit.
EVANGELISM:             Shit happens. (Pass it on.)
EPISCOPALIAN:           Fecal matter occurs.
JIM JONESISM:           If shit happens, drink Kool-Aid.